Inability of the UN Security Council for maintaining international peace and security

Article  •  Publié sur Souria Houria le 6 février 2012

The Syrian Organization for Human Rights (SWASIAH)

•             Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

(Article /3/ of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

•             Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any      media and regardless of frontiers.

(Article /19/of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

•             No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile

(Article /9/of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


Five days ago the Representatives of the States permanent members of the UN Security Council  trying to come up with a unified decision to To do their duty the maintenance of peace and security in the face of crimes of genocide committed by the Syrian regime against its own people. .

While all this was going on, the Syrian regime Army was shelling and bombing cities through to out Syria to put down the uprising, especially in cities of Homs, Zabdani, and Idlab to name a few . Yesterday’s massacre in Homs led to at least 337 deaths and more than 1300 critical injuries as no medical supplies are allowed into the city.

  This time also marked the Thirty years Anniversary of Hama massacre where dictator  Hafiz   al-Assad, the father of current dictator Bashar al-Assad, put down and uprising on Feb 3, 1982, by bulldozing the city, Killing an estimated forty thousand people.

Today and after 11 months of suffering and blood shedding, the people of Syria never thought this will never happen again and were hoping for a break through from this meeting at the United Nation Security Council.  To their disappointment, and thanks in part for the Russian and Chinese government for vetoing the resolution for small gain and to sell more arms to the Syrian regime, the resolution did not pass.   This has basically given the Syrian regime the green light to continue killing and inflict more violence.

The Syrian people, who are confident in victory with God’s help, have not relied on any third parties for support. The people of Syria reaffirm their intent to continue their peaceful Revolution, topple the regime until our country reaches the desired freedom and democracy.

Board of Directors
